I am a father of 5 children and the husband to one beautiful wife. Since getting married in 2000, my wife and I have lived in 6 houses/apartments are the Salt Lake Valley: Taylorsville, Kearns, back to Taylorsville, Alpine and now Farmington.
I am a computer programmer (web developer) by trade and by hobby. My other hobbies include writing, sports (baseball über alles!), and finding fun family activities.
Some of my callings in the past few years include (in no particular order) elders quorum instructor (twice), ward clerk (twice), elders quorum presidency (twice), Sunday school instructor, primary teacher, and emergency preparedness specialist.
I served a mission in the Cape Town South Africa Mission serving in Port Elizabeth, Mossel Bay, Mowbray (Cape Town suburb), Mdantsane (near East London), and Belville (Cape Town suburb). I absolutely love South Africa and the people there!
I just wanted to thank you *very much* for posting the MP3 and lyrics for “I Love the Lord” from the April 2007 Priesthood Session. I’ve long been wondering how to find that, and a random Google search today led me to your page. Thank you again!!
Hi Dustin,
I couldn’t find a better way to contact you, so here goes! 🙂
In your blog post on childlike faith (https://www.latterdayblog.com/faith-of-a-child-childlike-faith.html#comment-3597), you gave credit to a poem titled “Faith of a Child” by David Velazquez. I just wanted to inform you that it was in fact originally written by my great-great-grandfather, Joseph H. Dean, and published as “The Faith of Little Mary” in July 1922. It was actually based on a true experience with his own daughter.
You can view the original publication here:
I and many of my family members would greatly appreciate it if you’d make the change to give Joseph credit for his poem.