Word of Wisdom Insights

Losing It!: 5 Keys to Successful Weight Loss That Work

I’m reading a book right now entitled Losing It!: 5 Keys to Successful Weight Loss That Work. Although I’ve only read the first chapter so far, there were a few things I found interesting that I had never really though of and had some questions to.

First, D&C 89:11 – “Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.”

The author points out: “The word herb refers to plants and vegetables that are nourishing and healthful for man. ‘In the season thereof’ does not mean we can eat fruit and vegetables only at a certain time. Rather, these words meant that fresh foods have a superior value, and that we should not eat decaying or damaged foods. If fruits and vegetables are properly preserved, which is a common luxury in today’s society, they should be enjoyed through the year.”

I had wondered what the term “in the season thereof” meant.

Second is in reference to eating meat “in times of winter, or of cold, or of famine.” (D&C 89:13)

Again, quoting the author: “The phrase ‘only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine’ has caused many people to think that meat should be eaten only in the winter. However, when the Word of Wisdom was revealed, methods for preserving meat were primitive. We now know that storing meat at appropriate temperatures is vital to prevent serious and even fatal food-bourne illnesses. Modern refrigeration now makes it easy for us to eat meat safely in any season.”

She points out that the key term for eating meat is moderation. The average recommended portion size by many nutrionist is about the size of a deck of cards.

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Latter-day Blogger

3 thoughts on “Word of Wisdom Insights”

  1. Interesting. Although, since I don’t care much for meat, I’d be happy if I only had to eat it in the winter. j/k. 🙂 I really don’t mind it in small portions (as the Word of Wisdom recommends), or if it’s on a sandwich or something. But plain meat? Eewww. I know. I’m weird.

    As for fruits and vegetables, we think the vegetables we buy in the store are well preserved, but taste the difference between that and a something fresh from your garden or straight off the tree. Fresh is definitely better. I think there’s something to be said for eating produce in the season it was grown in. However, in light of how much food storage we’re supposed to have, my family will enjoy eating dried apples and rice all year long.

  2. As Brandon says, eating food that is grown in your own locality, preferably on your own land, is bound to be the most harmonious arrangement.

    Regarding “prudence”, I wonder if it didn’t refer to moderation about some herbs in particular, as all food, and some herbs especially, have toxins within them that makes overindulgence in any plant unwise.

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