Uplifting Internet

Larry Richman wrote a recent post on his blog entitled “Why use the Internet?“. I highly encourage you to read his post.

It brought back memories of my first exposure to the internet. I graduated in 1996. My senior year (1995) was the first time I ever got on the internet. After graduating, I worked for the Duchesne County School District. I would set up computer labs, fix computers & printers, and run CAT5 & fiber optic cabeling. It was a fun job. My boss gave me a laptop to take home and gave me internet access through the Utah Education Network. I used to get on some kind of chat room often, though I have no idea now which one and I doubt it still exists. I would often bring up the subject of religion. There was one occassion in which I talked in length to a girl about the church. She had never heard of it before. She agreed to read the Book of Mormon if I sent her a copy. A couple days later I happened to run into the missionaries and they gave me a copy. I sent it off to here in the mail. The last I heard from her, she had received it and started reading it. I never did hear from her again though because shorty after that time I turned my laptop in and entered the mission field. I always wonder if she read it and what became of her.

Has anyone had any internet missionary experiences they would like to share?

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Latter-day Blogger

5 thoughts on “Uplifting Internet”

  1. So I was 17. A friend and I decided to see who could score the highest on a website known as “hotornot.” That’s the embarassing part of the story šŸ™‚ While registered on hotornot, you have the option to receive emails from others who are registered, but it is sent through the webmaster and then if you choose to share contact information you can. There was this guy who was interested in being friends, and as we got to know eachother more through the hotornot monitored emails, we decided to trade AIM names. A couple of weeks of chatting every once in a while went by and one day I found myself telling him about my brother who was on a mission at that time. I remember telling him how much my brother was loving teaching the gospel, and he began asking questions. TO make a long story short, i ended up giving his address to some missionaries (this friend lived about 30 minutes from where i lived) and they ended up baptising him 2 weeks later. My friend whom i met on the internet ended up joining the gospel, and becoming a GREAT member of the church. I remember him saying to me one day “I feel like i’ve been a member of the church all my life, but i just didn’t know it!” That experiece definately strengthened my testimony!

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